In real estate, it's location, location, location. In internet marketing, it's the list. Most all internet money making schemes are about building a list. Traffic building is done for one reason: to build a list. Opt-in forms were created for one reason: to build a list. Facebook ads and fan pages are built for one reason: you get it.
There are a variety of ways to build lists: social media, pay-per-click advertising, SEO, landing pages, etc. The funny thing is, that most people never consider just buying the list. Buying a marketing list is not that expensive for people who are just starting out. I'm not talking about direct mail either, I'm talking about e-mail lists you can legally deploy to drive traffic to your e-commerce site.
There are laws and regulations about how you can go about this, but it's nothing really, if you know where not to step. Additionally, you can shoot yourself in the foot big time if you deploy your list incorrectly. The map which tells you where to step and where not to in the list acquisition and deployment arena is all mentioned in this short e-book:
How to Make $100,000 or More a Year Without any Investment Working Online From Home by Tommi Pryor.
Tommi Pryor is someone I know personally and is one of the smartest people I've ever met. This e-book is filled with important bits of inside information that to my knowledge, is not available anywhere else. This book teaches you how to:
• Earn money as a data reseller
• Understand list pricing
• Acquire Niche Market Lists
• Deploy an e-mail List
• Avoid being flagged as spam
• Maintain legal compliance
• Tons more
This step-by step manual is really a must for anyone who wants to jump start an e-commerce business and is one that I will be following as I plan to launch my 3D modeling site this month. Going straight for the jugular and getting your list off the bat will save you months of organic list building as promoted by other gurus and systems. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to make money online.
So, where do you get this book? You can't — not yet. I'm currently reading the manuscript before it goes to press, so if you would like a copy now, please send me an e-mail to: and I'll see if I can get you one before it is released on Amazon.
Happy New Year
James Steidl
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