Google ranks pages on a scale of 1 – 10 for how they'll be ranked. A PR5 domain is a domain with a page rank of 5 on a scale of 1 to 10. A site with a value of 10 will be at the top of the page on the first page of a Google query A page with rank of 1may never be found. Domains which have backlinks are valuable. There are businesses out there who create pages with backlinks with the intention of selling them to SEO grunts like me.
You can Google "buy PR5 domains" and you'll find a number of sites selling domains with page rank. Problem is; buyer beware, because you could easily spend hundreds of dollars on a domain touted to have a gazillion backlinks, but may not have any.
To verify that a domain has any backlinks, you need to copy the domain you're interested in and do the following:
1) Visit the site in your browser to make sure it exists and what type of site it is.
2) Go to a site that checks for fake page rank such as Fake PageRank Checker and type your URL into the box. The utility will run a scan to make sure the site has not been artificially ranked with redirects. This site will also give you the actual PR number for the domain.
3) Go to Bulk Backlink Checker - Majestic SEO and enter your domain here as well. Another scan will be run to determine the real number of backlinks the domain has. In most cases, the real number will be far smaller than what is being claimed.
If the site looks legitimate, then buy it. You'll probably spend several hundred dollars to get a domain with real backlinks and a decent trust history. Then what?
Once you've purchased the domain, you'll want to host it someplace where it will give this domain and all your other subsequent domain purchases a unique IP address that will be different from the other domains you'll be buying in the future. SEO Web Hosting by SEO host - Revolutionalizing the SEO industry is one site that will do this for you.
Once you're transferred your domain and have the hosting set up, you'll populate that domain with your own content. In most cases, this will be a landing page that has legitimate content and has important links directing traffic to your main site. Be sure to use your real Google profile on your landing page to make sure your real online profile integrates with the relevant content you're an authority for online.
Links can also be purchased, but this service is a subscription based service that can really add up over time and you have no control over the site those links appear on.
That's it for now. Cheers!